Marquette Savings Bank is a bank headquartered in Erie, Pennsylvania. It was built up in 1908 by a consortium of 38 nearby specialist, under the name of Marquette Building and Loan Association. Promoted as "Erie's just main residence bank," Marquette has kept up its nearby bid, notwithstanding now having 12 branches in the area.

Marquette was regarded by the worldwide distribution, The Economist in the Nov. 30th 2013 issue. The Economist adulated Marquette for its execution amid the Financial emergency of 2007â€"08 (in which it developed, instead of shrank). This article likewise talked about the adjustment in Marquette's approach to offer its home loans, as opposed to hold them to development, because of administrative concer

Marquette Savings Bank: "Why Choose Hometown Banking?" TV commercial - Speed, safety and satisfaction for over a century. www.marquettesavings.com.

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